Over 300 Downloads!

Hello everyone, I know I have been silent for a while (a very long while). I just wanted to squeeze this post into my busy college schedule to thank all of you for playing my game. We have reached over 300 downloads! That's incredible. I am very thankful for everyone that takes the time to try out my game and to all does who have given great feedback in the comments (which is all of you). I have not given myself the proper time to be able to work on some of the quality of life improvements I had planned for the game. I'm currently working on multiple projects for my last semester in college so time management has been difficult. non the less, I want everyone to know that the updates are still coming because I want to make sure that all the basic requirements of a playable game are checked. This includes things like graphical settings, keyboard rebind, and most importantly I want to overhaul the enemy AI because to me it is not in an acceptable state for the amount of positive support and feedback I've got from all of you. Like I stated before in previous logs, I never expected people to play my game, I had really uploaded the game here to have an easier place to show off my college projects. Once I feel that the game is in a better state I will continue to add secrets and small gameplay additions here and there to make the game more robust. (one secret is already in the game :) (look for the light) ) Again Thank You! Stay Tuned!


The Town 1.02.rar 714 MB
Feb 14, 2021

Get The Town

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